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Axalta, a leading global coatings company, will be making its debut at Automechanika Birmingham, set to take place from 3rd to 5th June 2025, as it continues its growth trajectory throughout the automotive coatings industry and raises awareness to the opportunities and challenges faced by the sector.
Automotive-Experten finden ab jetzt alles Wichtige an einem Ort: Auf der neuen Informations-Plattform „Gateway to Automotive“, dem internationalen Branchen- Hub für automotive Themen der Messe Frankfurt. Neben News und Brancheneinblicken von renommierten Experten bietet der Hub ein umfangreiches Anbieterverzeichnis und einen Eventkalender.
The 13th edition of Automechanika Kuala Lumpur concluded on a high note with sourcing, training and entertainment aligning with the latest global industry trends and underscoring the enthusiasm of Malaysia’s automotive market. During the three-day show, 310 exhibitors came face-to-face with 13,017 visitors, representing an increase of 30 percent from the previous edition. Discussions revolved around automotive mobility solutions covering electrification and digitisation, as well as automation and manufacturing, logistics, and supply chain, which are injecting vitality into the automotive aftermarket and lifestyle trends.
Automechanika Shanghai will celebrate two decades of serving the automotive service industry. The show’s influence reaches all corners of China and extends out to the global market, making it a must-attend event for information exchange, marketing, trade and education. This year, the show will pivot on innovations and transformations that drive a sustainable future, showcasing the latest automotive products, services and technologies that are shaping a greener tomorrow. The four-day event, taking place from 2 to 5 December, expects to host 6,500 exhibitors (15 percent increase from the previous edition) and 14 country and region pavilions, encompassing the entire 350,000 sqm space (16.7 percent increase from the previous edition) across 14 halls of the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai).
Malaysia’s new vehicle sales grew by eight percent to 260,236 units in the first four months of 2024 compared to the corresponding period of last year¹. To keep pace with the market development, the upcoming edition of Automechanika Kuala Lumpur, taking place from 1 to 3 August, will showcase a variety of cutting-edge automotive solutions, products and services across near 10,000 sqm from Hall 1 – 5 of the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. The fair will feature a full spectrum of fringe events reflecting smart mobility, new energy vehicles, manufacturing, logistics & fleets, aftermarket and sustainability & lifestyle trends under Malaysia’s automotive transition.
The 2024 edition of Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City concluded on a high note, reflecting many growing opportunities in Vietnam’s automotive industry. Held from 20 to 22 June at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center, the trade fair attracted 482 exhibitors and 15,383 visitors, eager to explore the latest technologies and trends shaping the sector. Feedback from participants highlighted the show’s value in facilitating business exchange, training and education – all the while incorporating elements of entertainment to engage attendees.
Mehr als 150 Produkte sind in diesem Jahr im Rennen für die Innovation Awards der Automechanika Frankfurt. Das ist die größte Beteiligung, seit die Auszeichnung ins Leben gerufen wurde. Besonders viele Einreichungen gab es in den Bereichen Werkstattlösungen, Innovative Teile, Elektromobilität und KI. Mitte Juli kommt die internationale Jury in Frankfurt zusammen und berät, welche Produkte mit den begehrten Awards prämiert werden.
Für Profis im Bereich Body & Paint ist vom 10.-14. September 2024 auf der Automechanika in Frankfurt einiges geboten: Vorträge zur Reparatur von E-Fahrzeugen, Praxis-Workshops und Live-Lackierung, eine Lounge für Fachgespräche, ein Afterwork-Event am Freitag, viele Präsentationen rund um das Thema Classic Cars, darunter auch ausgewählte Show-Cars. Eines der Autos können Automechanika-Fans bei einer Online-Abstimmung ab sofort selbst aussuchen. Zur Wahl stehen vier Modelle.
The highly anticipated sixth edition of Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City gears up to host 482 exhibitors hailing from 23 countries and regions, convening for three days between 20 and 22 June 2024. As a significant step forward, the show will span across halls A and B of the Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center (SECC), an expansion of 44 percent to a record-breaking space of over 22,600 sqm. In echoing the fair’s major themes – business, workshops, and entertainment – the new Automotive Mobility Solutions Zone and related conference will present the latest trends in AI, electric and digital technologies, automation, and sustainability, as well as encourage information exchange.
Bereits zum zweiten Mal trafen sich beim Supply Chain Summit am 4. Juni in Frankfurt Entscheider, Anwender und Anbieter innovativer Lösungen, um über die Transformation der Lieferketten von der Beschaffung bis zum Recycling in der Automobilzulieferindustrie zu diskutieren.
Mehr Unternehmen als je zuvor werden bei der kommenden Automechanika, der führenden internationalen Plattform für den Automotive Aftermarket, Produkte und Lösungen aus dem Bereich der Elektromobilität vom 10. bis 14. September in Frankfurt präsentieren. Darunter sind auch Hersteller aus China wie BYD, GEELY Group, AVATR, Catl, HONGQI und andere. Dies spiegelt die steigende Nachfrage nach Elektroautos und neuen Absatzmärkten wider, die neue attraktive Geschäftsmöglichkeiten für Industrie, Werkstätten und Händler bieten.
Das breite Themenspektrum der Automechanika Frankfurt spiegelt sich auch im Academy-Programm wider. Auf insgesamt fünf Podien bietet die internationale Fachmesse spannende Vorträge, Talks und Diskussionsrunden zu drängenden Fragen und jüngsten Entwicklungen im Automotive Aftermarket.
Automechanika Istanbul, the biggest meeting of the automotive aftermarket industry in the region, created opportunities to new billion-dollar business partnerships. 60,283 buyers visited the fair, which included 1450 participating companies from 35 countries and 12 country pavilions. The fair, organized in cooperation with Messe Frankfurt Istanbul and Hannover Fairs Turkey, hosted the most powerful procurement and purchasing professionals from all over the world.
The UK Garage and Bodyshop Event, set to take place at the NEC in Birmingham on 5th – 6th June 2024, is shaping up to be an insightful two days, providing technicians with the right skills for the future, featuring a vast array of on-stand training and live workshops from industry-leading exhibitors.
With just over a month to go until the highly anticipated UK Garage and Bodyshop Event 2024 returns to the NEC, Birmingham on 5 and 6 June, organisers have revealed a whole host of exciting product launches and updates from exhibitors.
With approximately 50 million new cars being produced globally each year, nanotechnology has a huge opportunity in the automotive industry.
Local manufacturing and collaborative efforts are set to transform the Saudi Arabian automotive landscape, according to the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources
Aadil Rashid Khan, Principal Consultant, Advisory Mobility - Middle East and Africa at Frost & Sullivan, has outlined strategies for growth and innovation in Saudi Arabia’s mobility industry during the opening day of Automechanika Riyadh
Under the patronage of the Ministry of Investment, H.H. Prince Bader bin Fahad bin Abdullah Al Saud and Mr. Ammar Altaf, Assistant Deputy Minister, have officially opened the sixth edition of Automechanika Riyadh
Die Automechanika Frankfurt organisiert gemeinsam mit dem Zentralverband Karosserie- und Fahrzeugtechnik (ZKF) und der EUROGARANT AutoService AG erstmalig ein Programm am 12. September, das sich an Fuhrparkmanager und Entscheidungsträger von Autoversicherungen richtet. Ziel ist es, den fachlichen Austausch zu den Themen Reparatur, Schadensteuerung und Schadenmanagement voranzutreiben. Interessierte Fachbesucher können sich ab sofort anmelden.
Record-breaking Automechanika Riyadh to take place until 2 May at the Riyadh International Convention and Exhibition Centre (RICEC)
The keynote speech is to be delivered by Eng. Saleh Al Khabti, Deputy Minister of Investment Transaction, Ministry of Investment
The sixth edition of Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City, taking place from 20 to 22 June 2024, is set to host an impressive line-up of global industry players. More than 500 exhibitors will showcase innovative mobility solutions, advanced technologies and a wide range of automotive products and services across halls A and B of the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center. The exhibition is built on mobilising domestic and international resources to serve as a platform for networking, trade, and knowledge exchange, fostering collaboration and community to drive the progression of the Vietnamese market under a backdrop of sustainability.
An industry leader in automotive aftermarket sales has revealed that Saudi Arabia’s performance is on an upward trajectory
Unter dem Motto „Where Passion meets Business“ trifft sich die internationale Fachwelt vom 10.-14. September 2024 in Frankfurt und diskutiert neue Trends im Young- und Oldtimer-Business. Die Messe bietet ein umfangreiches Programm an Vorträgen, Events und Führungen. Die Themen sind u.a. Digitalisierung, neue Technologien, Nachwuchsgewinnung, Aus- und Weiterbildung. Der Automechanika Classic Car Podcast stellt schon jetzt einige der Akteure aus dem neuen internationalen Netzwerk vor.
As anticipation builds for the second edition of the UK Garage and Bodyshop Event at the NEC in Birmingham on June 5 and 6 2024, the trade exhibition has unveiled details of this year’s 14 show features and new training hubs designed exclusively for garages and technicians.
Research has underscored the importance of the automotive aftermarket in the region as the MEA industry is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.2% to 2030
Automechanika Tashkent will take place from 23 – 25 October, 2024. The three-day exhibition is designed to become Uzbekistan's leading regional exhibition for the automotive industry. The Automechanika Tashkent exhibition, organized by BMCA Uzbekistan licensed by Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH, is expected to host 310 exhibitors, 500 companies and approximately 10,000 as visitors at the CAEx exhibition center in Tashkent.
Industry leaders convened at Automechanika Dubai Network to discuss remanufacturing in the MEA region’s automotive industry
Der Zentralverband Deutsches Kraftfahrzeuggewerbe (ZDK), die Organisatoren der Zukunftswerkstatt 4.0 und die Automechanika bündeln ihre Kräfte und schaffen vom 10.-14. September 2024 in Frankfurt ein einmaliges Innovationsschaufenster. Auf einer Fläche von rund 1.000 m² in der Halle 9.0 wird Besuchern die Sonderschau „Werkstatt der Zukunft“ präsentiert. Das Institut für Automobilwirtschaft (IfA) lädt am 5. und 12. März interessierte Unternehmen zu einer virtuellen Informationsveranstaltung. Weitere spannende Inhalte, u.a. zu EU-Vorgaben und gesetzliche Richtlinien, aber auch zum Thema Elektromobilität, erwartet Kfz-Profis auf der neuen Academy-Bühne in Halle 8. Partner sind hier u.a. der ASA, der Bundesverband der Hersteller und Importeure von Automobil-Service-Ausrüstungen.
Frost & Sullivan, Beratungsunternehmen für Wachstumsstrategien und Marktanalysen, und die Automechanika, führende internationale Messemarke für den Automotive Aftermarket, arbeiten künftig enger zusammen.
Das renommierte Rallyebüro des Vermarkters B&M aus Schwabach, bekannt für die erfolgreiche Organisation von Veranstaltungen wie der „Hamburg-Berlin-Klassik“ und der „Bodensee-Klassik“, präsentiert 2024 eine aufregende Neuheit in der Oldtimer-Rallye-Szene: Die Rhein-Main-Klassik. Diese Rallye für Oldtimer- und Youngtimer findet erstmals vom 13. bis 15. September 2024 statt und verspricht ein unvergessliches Erlebnis für Liebhaber klassischer Automobile zu werden. Unter dem Motto "Aus Frankfurt in die Welt!" wird die Rhein-Main-Klassik im Rahmen der Automechanika, der weltweit führenden Messe für den Automobilsektor, stattfinden.
Die Messe Frankfurt baut ihre Präsenz auf dem zentralasiatischen Markt aus und lanciert sieben Veranstaltungen aus ihrem Portfolio in Taschkent, Usbekistan. Die strategisch günstige Lage des Landes an der Schnittstelle zwischen Europa und Asien macht es zu einem vielversprechenden Handels- und Verkehrsknotenpunkt, der den wirtschaftlichen Austausch mit der gesamten Region erleichtert. Die verstärkte Präsenz des Frankfurter Messeunternehmens auf dem zentralasiatischen Markt wird Geschäftsmöglichkeiten fördern und die nachhaltige Entwicklung von Schlüsselindustrien wie Kosmetik, Textilien und Bekleidungsstoffe, Automobilbau, Logistik und Transport vorantreiben.
With its rapid economic growth and strategic reinforcement of its automotive supporting industries, Vietnam is becoming an increasingly compelling destination among firms eyeing international expansion. Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City sheds light on this transformation, highlighting the country’s potential as both an enticing market and a production hub. The show will return to the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC) from 20 to 22 June 2024. It stands as both the ideal gateway into the country as well as relevant international markets, with specialised zones and a varied event programme that provide first-hand insights into the country’s growing automotive industry.
Auf Grund der großen Nachfrage öffnen die Veranstalter weitere Hallen, um allen interessierten Unternehmen die Möglichkeit zu geben, sich auf der internationalen Leitmesse zu präsentieren. Die Fokusthemen Transformation und Nachhaltigkeit erhalten großen Zuspruch: Führende Player kündigen an, vom 10. bis 14. September 2024 entsprechende Produkte und Lösungen für den Aftermarket und die Erstausrüstung zu präsentieren. Neue Veranstaltungsformate fördern die Diskussion und Vernetzung zu wichtigen Themen wie Circular Economy, E-Mobilität, alternative Kraftstoffe, Nachhaltigkeit, Konnektivität, KI im Auto und für den Service.
Bringing together 500+ exhibitors from 12 countries, the 5th edition of ACMA Automechanika New Delhi is geared up once again to bring the complete value chain of the automotive aftermarket and components market to the 25,000 sqm show floor. With renewed enthusiasm from the exhibitors and the stakeholders, the three-day expo is scheduled to hit the ground from 1 - 3 February 2024 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi with a robust display of the latest innovations. This will be the first physical edition of the event post-COVID-19.
The 18th edition of Automechanika Shanghai, which took place from 29 November to 2 December 2023, recorded an overwhelming surge of participation in its return to the host city. Attendees praised the show’s emphasis on innovation, not just in terms of breakthrough developments, but also upgrades to traditional solutions, which have an ongoing foothold in the market.
Vom 29. November bis 2. Dezember 2023 trifft sich die internationale Automobilindustrie im National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) zur 18. Ausgabe. Die Automechanika Shanghai belegt eine Fläche von 300.000 Quadratmetern und ist um 36 Prozent gewachsen im Vergleich zur vorherigen Ausgabe. Die Fachmesse ist das letzte große Branchenereignis des Jahres für Marketing, Handel, Weiterbildung und Informationsaustausch und bietet den 5.652 Ausstellern (71 Prozent mehr als bei der letzten Ausgabe) und Einkäufern aus aller Welt eine hervorragende Gelegenheit, neue Geschäftsbeziehungen zu knüpfen und sich fachlich auszutauschen. Die Vorabregistrierung der Fachbesucher*innen hat deutlich die Zahl der 15. Ausgabe übertroffen.
Messe Frankfurt UK, organisers of Automechanika Birmingham and UK Garage & Bodyshop Event, has announced the appointment of Joanne Knowles as event director.
With economic growth, electric vehicle (EV) adoption and industrial transformation accelerating at an unprecedented rate, Messe Frankfurt extends its support to the Malaysian market by confirming a yearly edition of Automechanika Kuala Lumpur. The once-biennial event has been a gateway for trade between the country and the rest of the world for over 20 years. In this time, its format has shifted from a purely business-centric platform to one that incorporates activities and showcases for participants. The next show will take place from 1 to 3 August 2024 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.
3D printing and the use of recyclable products will play an important role in reducing the sector’s carbon footprint
The rise in the number of cars on the region’s roads has been a significant boost for the automotive aftermarket industry, according to the latest research from Frost & Sullivan
Annual competition recognises the best mechanics and repair professionals in the industry
UAE’s Green Mobility Programme targets a 50% increase in the share of battery electric vehicles and 25% in plug-in hybrid vehicles by 2050
Ahmed Hashem Bahrozyan, CEO of The Public Transport Agency, Roads and Transport Authority – Dubai (RTA), has been awarded the prestigious Special Recognition Award at this year’s Automechanika Dubai Awards
The electric Formula 1 vehicle was designed and built by 25 university students as part of the 2023 Abu Dhabi Global Electric Vehicle Challenge, securing a coveted second-place finish
Automechanika Dubai is the premier networking hub for the automotive aftermarket in the UAE Automechanika Dubai is the premier networking hub for the automotive aftermarket in the UAE
The 20th edition of Automechanika Dubai is sold out, with 1,921 exhibitors from 61 nations and more than 45,000 visitors expected.
Aimed at addressing the concerns to make natural gas the fuel of choice in the transportation segment, the 7th edition of Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) India Summit ended with robust panel discussions – paving way forward for India’s transition towards clean energy.
Region’s biggest automotive aftermarket and services awards set to recognise and reward excellence and innovation.
Richard Dunbar, ex-fire chief and now a consultant and trainer in fire, health and safety for alternative fuelled vehicles, has underscored the importance of understanding the potential hazards associated with the lithium-ion batteries found in Electric Vehicles
Argentina’s leading international trade fair for the automotive service industry targeting trade visitors from South America is coming with new activities and spaces.
Expectations for this year’s edition of Automechanika Shanghai are naturally high as the global automotive industry looks to China for new energy vehicle solutions and next-generation technologies. Continuing to serve as one of the most influential gateways for information exchange, marketing, trade and education, the show will lean upon Innovation4Mobility to reinforce areas of the supply chain that are rapidly evolving. The end-of-year gathering from 29 November to 2 December 2023 expects to host 4,800 exhibitors in 280,000 sqm of the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai).
Participants at Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City expressed great confidence in the Vietnamese automotive industry as many begin to lay down foundations for the upcoming technology-driven era. The trade fair took place from 23 to 25 June 2023 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center. Feedback from those seeking business networking, investment and training also enjoyed the added element of entertainment that marked the fifth edition. Organisers vow to continue various forms of community outreach to build momentum in the market and tap into local business culture.
Der Verkehrssektor ist für 20 Prozent der gesamten CO2-Emissionen in Deutschland verantwortlich [1]. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Bereichen sind die Treibhausgase beim Verkehr in den letzten Jahren noch angestiegen und zwar um 7 Prozent seit 1990. Laut Klimaschutzgesetz soll der CO2-Ausstoß bis 2030 halbiert, bis 2045 auf Null reduziert werden [2]. Doch welche alternativen Kraftstoffe sind ausreichend verfügbar und schnell und effizient einsetzbar? Darüber diskutierten Experten aus Wirtschaft und Verbänden beim Energy4Mobility Talk am 15. Juni in München. Die Experten waren sich einig, dass Wasserstoff für eine emissionsfreie Mobilität benötigt wird.
Nach vierjähriger Abwesenheit kam vom 6. bis 8. Juni 2023 eine Rekordzahl Kfz-Profis auf der Automechanika Birmingham zusammen, der wichtigsten Fachmesse für die britische Automobilindustrie. Die Rekordbeteiligung von 14.402 Besucher*innen bedeutete einen Anstieg von 19 Prozent gegenüber der Messe 2019 und bestätigte erneut, dass persönliche B2B-Veranstaltungen wichtig sind, um sich fortzubilden, Geschäfte zu machen und neue Kontakte zu knüpfen. Auch die Gesamtzahl von 6.750 Werkstätten und Karosseriebetrieben war so hoch wie nie zuvor.
At the halfway mark, Vietnam’s automotive industry is on track to achieve 25 percent compound annual growth (between 2020 and 2025*) . The rise is owed to the domestic economy bolstering demand and supportive tax incentives on production, import tariffs for vehicles, and investment on infrastructure. To support this upward trajectory, Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City is set to return with over 450 exhibitors, surpassing previous figures at what will be the celebratory fifth edition. From 23 to 25 June 2023 at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC), the show will house the latest products, services and technologies, as well as feature an impressive line-up of events for a one-of-a-kind industry gathering.
Die bisher größte Automechanika Istanbul hat den Automotive Aftermarket in der Türkei zusammengebracht und ist nun zu Ende gegangen. 1.437 Aussteller aus 41 Ländern und 10 Länderpavillons nahmen an der Messe teil, die im Istanbuler TÜYAP Fair and Congress Center in Zusammenarbeit von Messe Frankfurt Istanbul und Hannover Fairs Turkey stattfand. Insgesamt 58.024 Fachbesucher*innen aus der ganzen Welt besuchten die Messe. Das ist ein Plus von 20 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr.
The winners of the National Paint Championships have been crowned at a closely fought final today (June 6th), taking place at automotive trade show, Automechanika Birmingham, held this week at the NEC Birmingham.
Automechanika Istanbul, the number 1 trade fair of the automotive aftermarket industry in the region, will take place between 8-11 June 2023 including the concept of “Innovation4Mobility by BAKIRCI” special area at the trade fair, developed by BAKIRCI Group which has been producing innovative solutions with its smart service architecture since 1987. At Automechanika Istanbul 2023, the participants will have the opportunity to experience how electric vehicle repairs are made with state-of-the-art automobiles and service equipment in the concept area consisting of 8 sections to be created by BAKIRCI Group.
In Automechanika Kuala Lumpur’s return, there was a revived sense of business vitality from the automotive industry at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. Exhibitor numbers rose by 13 percent, while visitors jumped by 46 percent to 10,267. Many participants travelled to the trade fair from the surrounding region, a clear indication of the strong drive for growth and development. Strategic and industry partners also flexed their positions in the market with a wide range of showcases, resources and knowledge, cementing cooperation with the show to promote Malaysia’s prosperous automotive industry.
With the rapid growth in vehicles and new launches on the rise, India’s automotive aftermarket is gearing up with solutions that are both innovative and enduring. Customers have started to move towards larger/more powerful vehicles across all segments. According to the Auto Components Industry Review by ACMA, private and commercial vehicles production in 2022 increased by ~20% and ~30% respectively due to increased demand and fewer supply chain disruptions as compare to FY21.
The world's no.1 trade fair brand for the automotive aftermarket industry, Automechanika’s largest trade platform in the region where continents meet, Automechanika Istanbul 2023 is eagerly awaited by the entire automotive aftersales industry.
Die Automechanika Frankfurt steht bereits in den Startlöchern für die nächste Ausgabe im September 2024. Unternehmen können sich ab sofort anmelden; bis zum 3. Juli gilt der Frühbucherpreis. Die Messeveranstalter starten mit neuen Schwerpunktthemen und haben das Angebotsspektrum neu strukturiert, um die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Trends hervorzuheben.
With the opening up of China, there is an air of anticipation at the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center as the final preparations are being put in place for Automechanika Shanghai – Shenzhen Edition. From tomorrow until 18 February 2023, the trade fair, assembling 3,302 exhibitors across 220,000 sqm, will meet the industry’s call for in-person business encounters between Chinese and overseas companies.
In 2022, new vehicle sales in Malaysia climbed to 720,658 , exceeding pre-pandemic levels. Incentives aim to keep the momentum up with the Government also prioritising the electric vehicle (EV) market. The sector has been deemed a catalyst of development, which Automechanika Kuala Lumpur will reflect by leveraging themes in dedicated zones during events. Today’s launch rings in the show’s return to the Malaysian market from 16 to 18 March at the Kuala Lumpur and Convention Centre.
In diesem Jahr finden insgesamt zehn Automechanika-Messen rund um den Globus statt. Dabei stehen die Themen Nachhaltigkeit und Transformation des Automotive Aftermarkets im Fokus. Diesen Wandel unterstreichen auch die neuen künstlerischen Motive des Fotokünstlers Rafael Neff zum Jahresbeginn.
In August/September of 2023, the automotive industry in South Africa will experience a compact schedule of highly focused events over a time span of two weeks, covering four industry verticals.
Enthusiasm for Automechanika Shanghai – Shenzhen Edition continues to climb as travel restrictions in and around China subside. The opening up waves in a rejuvenated outlook of the global supply chain. In accord, 3,500 exhibitors offer a first-hand gateway into the market by pulling in resources that amplify home-grown inventions and overseas capabilities in production and aftermarket solutions. To prepare for strong collaborative opportunities in the year ahead, the 17th edition will take place at the centre of China’s innovation capital in the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, from 15 to 18 February 2023.
The conditions for a large-scale industry gathering are developing as an outcome of changes to public health measures from the Chinese Government. Therefore, in recognition of supporting the call for in-person business encounters, the organisers of Automechanika Shanghai have secured a new timeslot from 15 to 18 February 2023 at the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center.
Automechanika Birmingham has revealed that it will host the UK and Ireland National Paint Championships, with the winner being announced in a live ceremony at the show on 7th June 2023.
The Automechanika Shanghai – Shenzhen Edition organisers will put the show, originally scheduled from 20 to 23 December 2022, on pause while prevention measures related to the pandemic consolidate across the country. The decision comes in view of securing stronger onsite participation in order to generate more valuable experiences for exhibitors and visitors alike. New arrangements for the 17th edition will be announced in due course.
The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) makes for one of the most exciting times in the automotive industry. While EV ownership continues to surge, demands for related after-sales services are soaring but far exceeding the supply and capacity of existing stores. For a deeper understanding, EIC Workshop by Coppola and Sheffield Tools reveal how they are building up talent to satisfy needs in the evolving Chinese aftermarket. These companies will feature at Automechanika Shanghai from 20 to 23 December at the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center.
For four days, the leading international trade fair for the spare parts and automotive industry brought together supply and demand at La Rural Trade Center, receiving more than 22,671 visitors from 33 countries in its 25,000 sqm of exhibition space.
Transformation is circulating Malaysia’s automotive market ahead of Automechanika Kuala Lumpur 2023. From both policy-driven and private sector initiatives, the country has ambitious plans to establish more influence on an international level. Between 16 and 18 March at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, players can explore a gathering of opportunities from the upswing of electrification and digitalisation gaining ground in the supply chain.
Die Automechanika Frankfurt findet vom 10. bis 14. September 2024 statt. Die Autopromotec öffnet ihre Tore vom 21. bis 24. Mai 2025 in Bologna. Wichtige Terminankündigung: Vom 16. bis 18. November 2023 organisiert die Autopromotec eine brandneue Veranstaltung in Bologna zum Thema Energiewende.
The 17th edition of Automechanika Shanghai will move to the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center from 20 to 23 December 2022 as a special arrangement. The relocation provides participants with more flexibility in their planning and will allow the fair to meet the industry’s expectations for in-person trade and business encounters.
Der Wendepunkt ist erreicht: Die neuen Formate und das umfangreiche Programm der Automechanika Frankfurt wurden von den internationalen Automotive Professionals sehr gut angenommen. 78.000 Besucher aus 175 Ländern kamen zur führenden Branchen-Plattform nach Frankfurt, um Produkte aus Werkstatt, Industrie und Handel live zu erleben. Seit dem Restart in Frankfurt war das Messegelände nicht mehr so ausgelastet wie an den letzten fünf Tagen.
Die Automechanika Frankfurt erweitert ihr internationales Verbandsnetzwerk und kooperiert mit dem US-amerikanischen Fachverband Association of Diesel Specialists (ADS).
Die Einreichungen für die Innovation Awards der Automechanika Frankfurt spiegeln deutlich den Umbruch im Aftermarket hin zu digitalen und smarten Lösungen. 14 internationale Jurymitglieder, darunter erstmals auch Experten aus Australien, Südafrika, der Türkei, UK und den USA, entschieden am 21. Juli darüber, welche der 133 Einreichungen von 99 Unternehmen prämiert wird.
Die Automechanika Frankfurt launcht am Morgen des ersten Messetages ein neues Event, das die Vernetzung und den Austausch der internationalen Key Player der Branche untereinander fördern soll. Beim ersten Automechanika-CEO Breakfast geben die Rennsport-Profis Mika Häkkinen und Mark Gallagher Impulse zum Thema technologische Neuerungen und ihre Anpassung daran. Unterstützt wird das Event von ZF Aftermarket, die Technik und Räumlichkeiten zur Verfügung stellen. International führende Key Player aus der Automobilindustrie haben bereits Tische reserviert, um ihre Top-Kunden einzuladen.
Nutzfahrzeuge werden immer effizienter, sparsamer, sauberer und sicherer – aber auch komplexer. Eine permanente Weiterbildung der Mitarbeiter ist deshalb für jeden Werkstattbetreiber Pflicht. Mittlerweile verlangen nämlich selbst bislang simple Standardaufgaben wie der regelmäßige Service oder der Austausch bestimmter Komponenten eine Menge Know-how und spezielles Equipment, um die Arbeiten fachgerecht erledigen zu können. Mit dem exklusiven und kostenlosen Truck Competence Weiterbildungs-Workshop „Radar- und kamerabasierte Fahrerassistenzsysteme im Werkstattalltag“ macht die Automechanika Frankfurt interessierte Nutzfahrzeug-Profis fit für die Zukunft.
In 2022, Malaysia estimates a 6.3 percent growth in GDP owing to a stronger business and consumer environment from the resumption of international and domestic travel. The automotive industry, in particular, is set to play a key role in this forecast, with supportive government policies spurring market demand and capturing global market trends. For example, Automechanika Kuala Lumpur will spotlight how manufacturing, electrification, connectivity and services are transforming the Malaysian automotive industry. The show will take place from 16 to 18 March 2023 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC).
Über 2.600 Aussteller, davon 85% aus dem Ausland, warten zur kommenden Automechanika Frankfurt mit zahlreichen Produktneuheiten auf. Dass die internationale Aftermarket-Branche sich dieses Jahr endlich wieder trifft, ist wichtiger denn je - angesichts der Transformation und den aktuellen Herausforderungen wie der anhaltenden Pandemie, dem Krieg in der Ukraine, Energiekrise, Klimawandel, Lieferkettenproblemen sowie Halbleiter- und Fachkräftemangel. Neue Technologien und Konzepte für die Mobilität der Zukunft werden auf der international führenden Plattform für den Aftermarket gezeigt und diskutiert, u.a. in der Sonderschau ‚Innovation4Mobility‘ und in kurzweiligen Fachvorträgen der Automechanika Academy. Weiterbildung und Networking sind weitere Schwerpunkte der Veranstaltung im September.
Die Zulassungszahlen von Reise- und Freizeitmobilen steigen auch in diesem Jahr und bieten Werkstätten ein spannendes Zusatzgeschäft – vorausgesetzt man hat das erforderliche Know-How und qualifiziertes Personal. Doch hier fehlen der Branche sowohl Fachkräfte als auch der Nachwuchs. Die Automechanika Frankfurt zeigt Methoden der Caravanreparatur und bietet zusätzlich Caravan Live-Demonstrationen an. Absolventen und Berufseinsteiger können sich über die neue Fachrichtung „Caravan- und Reisemobiltechnik“ im Beruf Karosserie- und Fahrzeugbaumechaniker auf der Messe informieren.
After a two-year hiatus, Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City returned as one of Vietnam’s most resilient automotive industry events. The exhibition took place from 29 June to 1 July 2022 with bolstered online services through V-Connect that successfully connected the wider global community. The show brought 173 exhibitors from 21 countries and regions together that were looking to form business partnerships with 10,112 visitors from 42 countries and regions. Praise also extended to the show’s unique range of events that vibrantly captured opportunities in the local market and offered vital educational touchpoints for aftermarket service providers.
Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City opens tomorrow until 1 July at the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center. As the first international automotive trade fair to take place in the domestic market this year, an eager response from registered participants highlights a strong desire to explore the emerging regional automotive hub. The fair will host 173 exhibitors from 21 countries and regions via a combination of 10,000 sqms at the physical exhibition and V-connect, the show’s digital platform.
Endlich trifft sich der internationale Automotive Aftermarket wieder in Frankfurt: Vom 13. bis 17. September 2022 und danach wieder in den geraden Jahren. Zahlreiche führende Unternehmen aus über 60 Ländern haben ihre Teilnahme bereits zugesagt. Aktuelle Statements großer Branchenplayer zur Automechanika unterstreichen die Bedeutung der Messe als wichtigsten internationalen Branchentreffpunkt. Die Einreichungen zu den Automechanika Innovation Awards sind so hoch wie noch nie. Wichtiger denn je: die persönliche Vernetzung, für die zusätzliche Networking-Lounges zur Verfügung stehen. Weitere Schwerpunktthemen: Automobillogistik, Nachhaltigkeit sowie Aus- und Weiterbildung & Recruiting.
Mit 13 Events rund um den Globus ist die Automechanika die erfolgreichste B2B-Messemarke der Welt. Dass das Messegeschäft nun fast überall auf der Welt wieder möglich ist, nutzt die Automechanika für einen starken Start: Mit gleich vier Automechanika Shows im Juni und fünf weiteren Veranstaltungen bis zum Jahresende.
Der anhaltende Fachkräftemangel hat längst auch den Automotive Aftermarket erreicht. Seit März wirbt der neu gegründete Verband mit dem Namen „Talents4AA“ damit, verstärkt Nachwuchskräfte für die Branche gewinnen zu wollen. Jüngstes Verbandsmitglied ist jetzt die Automechanika und setzt das Thema vom 13. bis 17. September ganz oben auf die Agenda.
With Vietnam’s plan to reopen the borders coming into fruition, Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City will be one of the country’s first large-scale automotive trade fairs this year. As anticipation grows for the show’s return to the Saigon Exhibition and Convention Center (SECC) from 29 June to 1 July 2022, the organisers will plan an array of onsite fringe events and continue releasing valuable online content. The objective is to immerse the community and maintain market momentum for the local and international automotive industry.
Keeping the interests of the industry at the forefront, Messe Frankfurt India together with Auto Component Manufacturers of India (ACMA) have announced a shift in the exhibition cycle for their leading aftermarket exhibition ACMA Automechanika New Delhi. The change signifies the move of the Indian edition from odd years to even years, with its first post-pandemic physical edition scheduled from 1 – 3 February 2024 at Pragati Maidan New Delhi.
Registration has opened for the inaugural UK Garage and Bodyshop Event, the UK’s dedicated event serving the latest training, technology and tools to the nation’s garages and bodyshops.
New awards programme and bustling exhibition halls the order of the week at Middle East’s largest auto aftermarket trade fair
H.E Mattar Al Tayer opens 18th edition of Automechanika Dubai
Figures released at Automechanika Dubai highlight emirate’s robust pandemic recovery Auto parts contribution to emirate’s H1 trade flows widely welcomed at automotive aftermarket event, which is industry’s first in-person gathering since 2019
Throughout the year, Messe Frankfurt, the organiser of Automechanika Kuala Lumpur, has closely monitored Malaysia’s COVID-19 situation and the viability of domestic and overseas participation. While the country still reports daily cases, various levels of the Movement Control Order (MCO) also affect travel in and around the country. In this regard, the company has maintained close communications with the local auto community, exhibitors, partners and supporting organisations. Following their consultation, each party has agreed to the new show date of 16 to 18 March 2023.
Mit welchen Innovationen Hersteller und Werkstätten den Herausforderungen von Mobilitätswandel und Digitalisierung begegnen können, diskutierten Experten bei der vierten Ausgabe von „Let’s talk business“. Der Web-Talk brachte Vertreter von AVL DiTEST, Carbon und Hunter zusammen, um sich zu diesem Thema auszutauschen.
Players throughout the global automotive ecosystem can look forward to the 17th edition of Automechanika Shanghai returning on 1 to 4 December 2022 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). The show was initially put on hold in a swift response to the country’s efforts on containing the spread of emerging COVID-19 cases. Nonetheless, the fair offered several value-added services to support players across the value chain during the interim period.
As one of Asia’s final events in the automotive trade fair calendar, Automechanika Shanghai will lean upon a number of value-added services to support industry development. AMS Live will remain open from 24 to 27 November with full business functions for buyers to connect with 2,900 current exhibitors. A condensed fringe programme will also offer players vital knowledge sharing opportunities to learn about the latest market trends and developments.
Automechanika Shanghai, set to take place from 24 to 27 November 2021, pushes back its show dates due to a recent onset of COVID-19 cases in various provinces and cities in the country. A new date for one of Asia’s most influential automotive trade fairs will be announced in due course.
Automechanika Shanghai continues to address the demand for knowledge sharing and network building that industry professionals crave. Players can access valuable online content in the lead up to the physical show, offering a sneak peek into the global automotive trends discussed during onsite events on 24 to 27 November 2021 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). The show reinforces its network building capabilities by introducing upgraded functions on AMS Live and personalising the business matchmaking experience through Match Up.
As the Vietnamese Government works to raise the international profile of the local automotive industry, there has become a growing demand for open channels of communication amongst local and overseas players, especially in the past two years due to restricted market movement. Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City 2022 supports this industry development through activities that seamlessly bond a wider auto community before, during and after the show. These include value-added in-person and online offerings like the revamped business matching service (Match Up), pre-show events and a series of business and networking fringe events.
Automechanika Kuala Lumpur is acclimatising to a new age of trade fair experiences with its S.E.T. (Sourcing, Training and Entertainment) of upgraded activities. The show’s reconfigured business matching service, Match Up, brings together optimised processes, people and expertise to stimulate market growth in the international automotive community. This all-year-round networking service helps link up potential partners and allows participants to explore the local and overseas auto service industry. Players can already start capitalising on the fair’s extensive global industry resources leading up to the physical show on 15 to 17 March 2022 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC).
Was sind die aktuellen Themen und Trends im Aftermarket? Welche Herausforderungen gibt es für Werkstätten in Zukunft, z.B. durch das zunehmende Tempo im Bereich alternative Antriebe? Die Automechanika Frankfurt Digital Plus wird in diesem Jahr mit einem der Situation angepassten Konzept, in einer kompakteren Form, stattfinden - ergänzt durch ein großes digitales Angebot. Der Wunsch nach persönlichen Begegnungen ist groß: so wollen ca. 75 Prozent der rund 200 ausstellenden Unternehmen vor Ort mit einem Messestand teilnehmen. Neu ist: Die Logistik-Branche trifft sich gleichzeitig zur Hypermotion auf dem Frankfurter Messegelände. Dadurch erhält das Automotive-Publikum wertvolle Impulse, z.B. bei den Themen resiliente Lieferketten, Flottenmanagement und IoT-Systeme.
Mit dem Web Talk zum Thema „Connectivity, neue datenbasierte Business Modelle und der rechtliche Rahmen“ geht die Reihe „Let’s talk business“, organisiert von den Organisatoren der Automechanika, in die dritte Runde. Vertreter aus verschiedenen Bereichen der Automobilwirtschaft kamen zusammen, um die aktuellen Entwicklungen auf diesem Gebiet zu diskutieren.
The largest Russian suppliers and manufacturers of auto parts, components and auto accessories at the exhibition on August 23-26. Despite all restrictions for international travel, foreign companies will take part at the exhibition. Car services will be main topic in 2021 at AGORA. IMAF 2021 - 12th International Moscow Automotive Forum. New topics for business discussions at the AGORA
Automechanika Birmingham has announced that it will be postponing its established UK event to June 2023, maintaining its alternation with Automechanika Frankfurt, which recently moved in its full form to September 2022 due to ongoing international travel restrictions following the coronavirus pandemic.
Deutsche Lack- und Karosserie-Profis kämpfen um den Einzug ins Finale der ersten internationalen Body & Paint Weltmeisterschaften auf der Automechanika Frankfurt Digital Plus 2021. Am 14. September wählt eine Fachjury, bestehend aus renommierten Fachjournalisten, Designern und Brancheninsidern, in Frankfurt den deutschen Sieger. Mehr als zehn TeilnehmerInnen sind am Start.
With 81 exhibitors on board showcasing 1,233 products, including a range of product demonstrations and knowledge sessions the launch edition of ACMA Automechanika virtual ends on a high note attracting 2,407 active attendees through its B2B matchmaking platform.
Zur zweiten Ausgabe der neuen Talk-Reihe der Messe Frankfurt ‚Let’s talk business‘ kamen internationale Key Player und Verbände zusammen, um über alternative Antriebsstoffe zu diskutieren. Der digitale Talk fand am 14. April statt und befasste sich mit der Frage, welchen Mix alternativer Antriebsstoffe wir brauchen, um die EU-Klimaziele zu erreichen.
Prolonged global travel restrictions continue to hamper the entry of non-residential visitors into Vietnam. As an international meeting point for players in the local automotive community, the limitations of face-to-face business exchange have led to actions deferring Automechanika Ho Chi Minh City 2021. Originally scheduled for 30 June – 2 July, the show is now set to take place from 29 June – 1 July 2022. Stakeholders agree that an effective industry gathering would only be possible once travel restrictions ease, and they look forward to a series of pre-show events that maintain momentum in the market.
Due to current worldwide conditions derived from COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing international travel restrictions and after an evaluation process together with our industry partners, associations and exhibitors, Automechanika Istanbul management team decided to postpone Automechanika Istanbul which was scheduled to be held between 8-11 April 2021. The new dates of Automechanika Istanbul 2021 is scheduled for 18-21 November 2021.
Since launching in December 2020, auto:resource has gone from strength to strength with 9,000 unique users and close to 100 suppliers from across the aftermarket industry signing up, including key OEMs and brands such as BM Catalysts, Bilstein, Continental, , Denso, Delphi, Hella, NGK, Sealey, Valeo, WD40,and ZF.
Three-day automotive services industry exhibition to take place from 14-16 December 2021 at Dubai World Trade Centre.